A concrete specialist will be able to assess the condition of your concrete garage floor

A garage floor can take a beating. Tools dropped on it, a toppled over white goods and chemical spills can all cause damage. This damage often leads to cracking and sinking. Thankfully, there are ways to repair these issues.

The cheapest and most straightforward way to deal with a garage floor is to apply a protective coating or sealant. These products are designed to protect concrete floors from damage caused by chemicals, oil and de-icing fluids, which can seep into the lower layers of the concrete surface and stain or erode it. These products should be reapplied every two to five years.

If your garage floor is starting to show signs of a problem, it is important to get it inspected and repaired by a professional as soon as possible. This is because cracks can worsen over time and may lead to serious structural problems with your property.

A concrete specialist will be able to assess the condition of your concrete garage floor repair near me garage floor and recommend the most appropriate type of work required. For example, if you have large cracks in your garage floor, it is probably best to invest in a concrete replacement instead of trying to patch them. A qualified concrete expert will know when a crack can be repaired and when it would be better to replace the entire floor slab.

Another simple option is to use a resurfacing product. These are available from many different companies and include plastic or stronger PVC materials that interlock to form a single surface covering for your garage floor. These products are easy to clean and are often waterproof, so they can also be used in a workshop or home garage where the floor is subjected to water and other liquids that could damage concrete.

These types of resurfacing products typically come in a range of colours and styles, so it’s easy to find one that suits the design of your garage. They are also incredibly fast and cheap to install. You can usually cover a whole garage floor with these materials in a single morning and they don’t require any adhesives or mortar.

If your garage floor has begun to sink in certain places, it’s likely that helical piers will be needed to stabilise the structure. Piers lift sunken sections of the floor, which will then need to be filled in using slabjacking foam.

This is an ideal solution for garages with a lot of cars and equipment, as it provides a level and safe surface to drive and work on. If you’re concerned about the cost of this type of repair, speak with a concrete expert to see if there are cheaper alternatives that could be applied to your existing concrete slab.